
Update your travel policy

Not only are travel restrictions in place into and out of the country, but many states are asking residents to reduce non-essential travel and some have ongoing stay-at-home orders. Please be aware of any non-essential travel bans in your state, and follow those guidelines.

If you don’t already have a travel policy in place, develop one now. Be sure it includes guidelines for reducing COVID-19 exposures for internal employees required to travel on behalf of the business or for personal reasons, and vendors planning to visit your facility.

To help you make informed decisions, the CDC has an interactive U.S. map containing COVID-19 infection data by state, including total cases and new cases in the last seven days. Along with other sources, the map can be a tool to either complement or integrate into your travel policy. It helps identify states you may consider for restricted travel due to persistent community spread or a spike in cases.

Your travel policy should also include managing returning employees who have traveled into high-risk areas. See related sections in our COVID-19 hub for more details.

If you have questions about implementing a travel policy, please reach out to your assigned safety consultant or account manager, or contact us if we can be of further assistance.

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