Donations to Maui United Way help local organizations meet unprecedented challenges.
When the Maui community was hit hard by pandemic-related economic losses in 2020 and 2021, we turned to our existing relationships on island to help make a difference.
The Sentry Insurance Foundation donated $200,000 to Maui United Way in May 2020, and has since contributed an additional $25,000 in 2021 to help the community with coronavirus relief support.
We chose Maui United Way because the organization helps guide funding to programs that can make the biggest impact at the local level.
The relief came at an important time, according to Michael Victorino, mayor of Maui, noting at the time that residents had filed more than 33,500 unemployment claims in Maui County since the COVID-19 emergency shutdown in 2020. “Our people are hurting, and Sentry’s financial assistance will help us get through this crisis and emerge stronger than ever.”
Understanding local needs can focus relief efforts. As Pete McPartland, our chairman of the board, president, and CEO, says, “We also understand help is needed at the heart of our communities. By partnering with local organizations—from United Way to other community groups—we hope to lift up our communities and work together to overcome the challenges we face.”
The donation helped with food, health, and rental assistance on the island. “We’re grateful for Sentry’s continued support as we face this extraordinary hardship,” said Nicholas Winfrey, president and CPO, Maui United Way. “Your donation provided a safety net for those we serve.”
As title sponsor of The Sentry through the 2035 PGA TOUR season, we’re committed to being an involved, year-round corporate citizen.
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We’re building connections to our customers, clients, and communities through golf. Read more about our commitment to Maui.